Christophe is the creator of the "E.SENSUAL TANTRIC MASSAGE" tm... & "TANTRA ENERGETICS" tm. systems... As well as "Tantra Chi Gong" tm & "Tantra Contact Dance" tm all of which powerfully combine 50+ years of Chi Gong Energy training and Internal Martial Arts, Tantra & Conscious Sensuality in a powerful synergistic manner!
He is a Master Sensuality & Tantra Educator... and an Internationally recognized Martial Arts & Chi Gong Master who conducts workshops & retreats throughout Europe, Asia, Australia & The Americas.
PHOTO: Chi Energy
Having the unusual upbringing of being raised by a mother who was an early teacher in these fields...Christophe began his studies in the early 70's while in his teens and then in 1974 entered an "immersive/residential 10 year program", being trained in Tantra, Meditation, Eastern Mysticism & Shamanism... as well as Internal Martial Arts & Chi Gong.
PHOTO: Teaching Kung Fu Sword Class
He has been teaching in these fields as a "full-time" profession since 1979 and uses his decades of teaching experience to design detailed & fun workshops....which address vitally important aspects of Human Relating from an "Energetic" standpoint.
Christophe is a regularly featured presenter at international conferences on Tantra & Consciousness.PHOTO: Early training. 1974 in front of a meditation Yantra after a Puja
Christophe is also available for PRIVATE SESSIONS for individuals & couples addressing "Erotic Response" and other aspects of Emotional, Sensual & Erotic Intimacy concerns or upgrades.
He is continually researching, learning & teaching.... and when not doing that.... spends his time dancing, surfing and snowboarding around the world.
PHOTO: Surfing between classes at Bali Retreat
© 2017